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CLB Authors:

Al Carlisle (website)

Dr. Al Carlisle, PhD (1937-2018)

     Al Carlisle has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and spent 20 years working at the Utah State Prison. He interviewed a  number of serial killers including Ted Bundy, Keith Jesperson, Arthur Gary Bishop, and Wesley Allan Dodd. He has given presentations on The Developmental Stages of the Serial Killer at various conventions, including World Horror and FanX (Salt Lake Comic Convention).

     He is the author of four books:

"I'm Not Guilty!" The Case of Ted Bundy (Audiobook)

Mind of the Devil: The Cases of Arthur Gary Bishop and Wesley Dodd

Broken Samurai: One Marine's Journey from Hero to Hitman (Audiobook)

The 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted Bundy (Audiobook)

The Ted Bundy Files: A 1976 Companion

     Dr. Carlisle's is considered to be one of the first serial killer experts.

     His books are available on Amazon.com and other digital outlets.